Sinusitis Causes and treatments

What is sinusitis?
Sinusitis is when the sinuses get inflamed and can cause pain and nasal discharge

What causes sinusitis?
Bacterial or viral infection, allergies, or even the immune system going haywire can be causes. Second hand smoke is also known cause sinusitis.

Is it serious?
Most cases resolve themselves within a week and a half, especially the viral variety. Some types of bacterial infections can last for weeks, and the amount of time it takes for the illness to clear up is used to determine the type of infection. Infections can actually spread into the brain cavity, causing much more serious illness and even death.

How can my doctor determine if I have sinusitis?
Since the symptoms of sinusitis are like many other types of upper respiratory infections, it is often difficult to be sure. If symptoms clear up within ten days, then a diagnosis of viral sinusitis is made. Past ten days, lab tests of the discharge, CT scans, or even biopsy of the nasal tissue is used.

How can it be treated?
Since most cases are caused by viruses, only time and rest will treat these. For cases linked to severe allergies or bacterial infection, anti histamines and antibiotics are often used. In some severe cases, especially chronic infections, only surgery can fully clear it up.

Can I take steps to prevent them from coming back?
Well, if you have ever dealt with sinusitis, you certainly don’t want to go through it again. The first step is to identify what caused it in the first place. Pollution and allergies can be reduced with a good air purifier. So can bacteria and viruses with the right kind of filtration system. Prevention is a better course to take, since antibiotics can lose their effectiveness the more they are used.

How can an air purifier help?
An air purifier is highly recommended for those who suffer from sinusitis. Air purifiers remove allergens and pollutants from the air. These allergens, which include dust, pollens, mold spores, pet dander, and dust mites can cause allergic reactions. Air purifiers improve the quality of indoor air and reduce allergic reactions which help with sinusitis.

What kind of air purifier would be best?
In this case the HEPA and Carbon activated filter are recommended for removing the wide range of contaminants that will reduce the effects of sinusitis. HEPA works to remove 99.97% of contaminants of 0.3 microns and above. This means it will remove pollen, mold, pet dander, dust mites, and most bacteria. The HEPA filter however cannot remove cigarette smoke, gases, and odors. This is why we also recommend the carbon activated filter to remove these contaminants. It is difficult for just one air filter to remove all the different types of contaminants. Most air purifiers use these two air filters together and work to remove the majority of the contaminants indoor. With the indoor air pollution reduced, and the level of bacteria floating in the air lowered, it can help prevent a case of sinusitis before it even starts. Nothing in this FAQ should be taken as medical advice.
As with any illness or disease, the advice of a competent health provider should be sought.

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