What are the major elements of a Consumer Confidence Report (CCR)?

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A CCR must contain, at a minimum, the following elements:

    1. Information on the type and source of water (i.e., ground water, surface water, a combination of the two, or water obtained from another system) and the commonly used name(s) and location of the body or bodies of water;
    2. Special definitions of the terms maximum contaminant level goal (MCLG), maximum contaminant level (MCL), variances, exemptions, and if applicable, treatment techniques and action levels;
    3. If any regulated substance subject to an MCL (except turbidity and total coliforms) is detected in the water, a statement must be included setting forth the MCLG, the MCL, the highest level used to determine compliance, and the range of detected levels.

If there has been a violation of the MCL, a brief statement regarding the health concerns of that substance must be included. If there is no MCL for a detected substance, information about treatment techniques or action levels must be included;

  1. If a source water assessment (SWA) has been completed, information on the availability of the SWA and how to obtaina copy. If a system has received an SWA from its primacy agency, the CCR must also include a brief summary of the system’s susceptibility to potential sources of contamination;
  2. Health effects language if a violation has occurred and the system’s actions to restore safe water;
  3. Information on compliance with national primary drinking water standards;
  4. A notice if the system is operating under a variance or exemption and the basis on which the variance or exemption was granted;
  5. Information on levels of unregulated substances for which monitoring is required, including levels of radon and Cryptosporidium, where states determine they may be found;
  6. Educational information regarding the risk posed by nitrates, arsenic and lead when detection of these substances exceeds half of their respective MCL or action level;
  7. A specific statement regarding the vulnerability of certain sub-populations to drinking water substances and where these people can obtain additional information;
  8. Additional information as required by the EPA Administrator, such as reporting on the health effects of total trihalomethanes if a system exceeds the 80 micrograms/L standard. EPA can also require such information for two other new or revised regulations in the future;
  9. Notice for non-English-speaking residents in their native language on the importance of the information and the need to get it translated;
  10. A brief and plainly worded explanation regarding substances that may reasonably be expected to be present in drinking water, including bottled water;
  11. A specific statement that the presence of substances in drinking water does not necessarily indicate that the drinking water poses a health risk;
  12. Notice of opportunities for the public to participate, such as water board meeting times or public forums to discuss water issues;
  13. Any additional information required by state primacy agencies.

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