Water Analysis Example NO. 4

Finally, read over the following water analysis. Then check whether the statements are True or False in the proper column. These questionnaires can help you understand how to interpret water analysis reports.

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Water Analysis Example No.4
Date Collected: 5/3/83
Source: Well
Date Analyzed: 5/10/83
Appearance When Drawn: Clear, odorless, slight iron taste
pH: 5.7
Iron: 0.2 mg/1
Bicarbonate: 0.4 gpg
Sulfate: 0.5 gpg
Chloride: 0.6 gpg
Total Anions: 1.5 gpg
Calcium Hardness: 0.4 gpg
Magnesium Hardness: 0.2 gpg
Total Hardness: 0.6 gpg
Ca(HCO3)2: 0.4 gpg
Mg(HCO3)2: - gpg
MgSO4: 0.2 gpg
NaCl: 0.6 gpg
NaSO4: 0.3 gpg

The correct answers are provided on the bottom of this page.

  • The amount of iron in this sample would cause some staining of porcelain fixtures in the home. T/F
  • It would be correct to say that this is relatively soft, acid water. T/F
  • A neutralizing filter could be used to raise the pH of the water. T/F
  • The big advantage to the use of a neutralizing filter on this water is that it would not increase the hardness of the water, as would be the case with some other possible methods of treatment. T/F
  • Total hardness of this water expressed in milligrams per liter is 12.6 T/F
  • The use of a solution feeder pumping soda ash is another possible method of raising the pH of this water. T/F
  • This soda ash treatment followed by filtration will also be effective in removing the iron from the water. T/F
  • The use of a polyphosphate feeder would provide an economical method of treating both the iron and corrosion problems in a plumbing system using galvanized pipe. T/F
  • This analysis shows that water contains amounts of sodium (sodium chloride-0.6 gpg; sodium sulfate-0.3 gpg). This amount of sodium could lower the operating efficiency of an ion exchange softener installed for treatment of the water. T/F
  • Low concentrations of chlorides and sulfates (less than 5 grains) are desirable in a drinking water. T/F
  • Manganese-bearing water produces dark brown or black stains on fabrics washed in this water. T/F
  • Highly alkaline waters have an objectionable "soda" taste. They also have a tendency toward drying the skin. While alkalinity can be treated in several ways, no method is too satisfactory for home use. T/F
  • Potassium permanganate alone provides excellent control for any amount of ferrous iron. T/F
  • A water containing 5 gpg of sodium sulfate may have a strong laxative effect on many people. T/F
  • Demineralization is the only satisfactory way of removing sodium salts from water. T/F
  • The recommended maximum concentration for sulfates in drinking water according to U.S. EPA Drinking Water Regulations is 250 mg/1. In grains per gallon expressed as calcium carbonate, this would be 20.6 gpg.T/F
  • There are two types of water analyses (bacterial and microbiological) that are run by laboratories today. T/F
  • In order to determine comparable amounts of calcium chloride and magnesium hydroxide both would be normally expressed in terms of calcium bicarbonate. T/F
  • In taking a water sample it is necessary to describe the appearance of the water just as it flows into the sample container. T/F

Questionnaire Answers

1. F; 2. T; 3. T; 4. F; 5. F; 6. T; 7. F; 8. T; 9. F; 10. T; 11. T; 12. T; 13. F; 14. F; 15. F; 16. F; 17. F; 18. F; 19. F

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