Learn About Water Quality

Growing Concern over Environmental Water Quality


Environmental water contamination is the leading worldwide cause of death and disease. Despite more awareness and action taken by WHO and governments, 3.4 million people, mostly children, die annually from water-related diseases globally and 485 000 diarrhoeal deaths each year. Even here in the United States we often struggle with water pollution caused by natural disasters and human activities. In 2019, over 1,000 locations in 49 states have confirmed cases of contamination by highly toxic fluorinated compounds known as PFAS according to the Environmental Working Group. Meanwhile, 1.2 trillion gallons of untreated sewage, stormwater, and industrial waste are still dumped into US water each year which may affect ground and well water sources. Approximately 40% of the lakes in America are too polluted for fishing, aquatic life, or swimming.

It is easy to see why water pollution is a major problem for the animals and plants which live in those ecosystems, but the truth is that it also negatively affects people. These same contaminated water sources are where we get our seafood, where we swim and play, and even where our tap water is drawn from. While tap water is treated thoroughly to reduce pollution, some contaminants may still remain including heavy metals, chemicals, microbes, and pharmaceuticals drugs. Everyone who uses tap or well water will be exposed to some level of these contaminants every day. In 2017, 90% of the global population, about 6.8 billion people, used at least a basic service. In other words, these people have access to drinking water within 30 minutes roundtrip.

What really happened to our tap and underground water sources?

According to research articles and news, most tap and well water in the U.S. now are not safe for drinking due to heavy industrial and environmental pollution. We have reached to a point that, all sources of our drinking water, including municipal water systems, wells, lakes, rivers, and even glaciers, contain some level of contamination. Contaminants range from naturally-occurring minerals to man-made chemicals and by-products. While many contaminants are found at levels not enough not to cause immediate discomforts or sicknesses , it is proven that even low-level exposure to many common contaminants will, over time, cause severe illness including liver damage, cancer, and other serious ailments. Even the chemicals commonly used to treat municipal water supplies such as chlorine and fluoride are toxic and are known to have significant adverse effects on the human body.

Are there really drugs in my tap water?

Yes, tap water may very well contain traces of prescription drugs. An investigation by the Associated Press has revealed the presence of a vast array of pharmaceuticals in municipal drinking water including medicines for pain, infection, high cholesterol, asthma, epilepsy, mental illness and heart problems. These drugs were found in the drinking water supplies of at least 41 million Americans and in 24 major metropolitan areas - from Southern California to Northern New Jersey.

How do these drugs actually get into your drinking water? You’ll be sorry you asked! When people take pills their bodies can only absorb a small portion of the medication and the rest are passed through the body and released through urine. Some people also flush expired medication down the toilet instead of disposing them properly. This waste water is then treated by the city before it is discharged into reservoirs, rivers or lakes. Eventually the same water will be cleansed again and recycled back into our tap water supply. Unfortunately most city water treatments do not remove all traces of drug residues, which mean that people need to protect themselves by looking into home water filter systems which can remove pharmaceutical drugs. The AP has mentioned reverse osmosis as a water filtration solution that removes virtually all pharmaceutical contaminants.

Can we depend on bottled water then?

The fact is that bottled water sold in the United States is not always filtered and not necessarily cleaner or safer than most tap water, according to a four-year scientific study recently made public by the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC). The NRDC's study included testing of more than 1,000 bottles of 103 brands of bottled water. While most of the tested waters were found to be of high quality, some brands were significantly contaminated. About one-third of the waters tested contained levels of contamination including synthetic organic chemicals, bacteria, and arsenic (at least one sample exceeded allowable limits under either state or bottled water industry standards or guidelines). In fact, about a quarter of all bottled water is actually bottled tap water, according to government and industry estimates (some estimates go as high as 40 percent). details

Protect your family's health and future with a High Quality Water Filter.

A good water filter is the best and maybe the only solution nowadays. You can install and maintain the filters yourself and can ensure and feel safe about the water which you and your family drink. Just make sure the filter you choose removes the most spectrum of contaminants. Usually a professional filtration system worth invest-in is a 4 to 5 stage water purifier system. Each stage will remove certain types of contaminants, and all stages combined should protect you from just about every contaminant. A reverse osmosis water filter with activated carbon pre-filters, plus an ultraviolet light, is what we believe to be the most thorough and cost effective way to purify drinking water. Such a system will pay for itself within half a year and can last 10-15 years with easy annual filter changes. You will be able to save money and protect the environment. More importantly, your family is safe from contaminated water and diseases by installing a quality water filtration system. There are many systems on the market, check our website for detailed benefits for each system.

Remember it is never too late for you to start making a change in your life to improve your health and to benefit others. We believe that water has the power to soothe, rejuvenate and heal the human body and spirit. May the gift of clean water always provide you and your loved ones with great health and happiness!

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