Before we get to a couple of simple tips to help you start a program, or drinking water regimen, let's take a quick look at some good reasons to stick with your new program...instead of filling up on pop or other sugary drinks... Water is also an important "healing tool" for people with a history of kidney stones. Since water dissolves calcium in the urine, downing at least 8 glasses daily reduce the risk of stone formation.
Even mild dehydration makes you more susceptible to viruses.
Drinking water is also valuable in preventing urinary tract infections in both men and for women, flushing impurities out of the system. Even mild dehydration makes you more susceptible to viruses. For individuals with an immune system, deficiency water helps to recover more quickly. When your body is hydrated, drainage from allergies and colds doesn't stick and collect in your throat and lungs, and your cough is more "productive". Even cold sores that appear on the lips are minimized by drinking water because those eruptions tend to favor dry areas.
The findings of a six-year study of more than 20,000 healthy men and women aged 38-100 in May 1, 2002, American Journal of Epidemiology found that women who drank more than five glasses of water a day were 41% less likely to die from a heart attack during the study period than those who drank less than two glasses. The protective effect of water was even greater in men. It's also important to remember that when the body is dehydrated, fat cells get "rubbery" and cannot be easily metabolized. This means that it's harder to lose when you don't drink your water. So how can you start a drinking water regimen?
Here are a few easy tips to help you reach your "watermark" every day: You are naturally thirsty i.e. "dehydrated" in the morning . . . help your body flush out the toxins it has been processing all night and take advantage of this thirst to get a "leg up" on your daily water requirements by drinking a glass of water first thing. If you have a cold drink warm water instead of dehydrating coffee & tea. Don't wait until you're thirsty to have a drink - you are already dehydrated if you feel thirsty.
Set a timer to remind yourself to establish a habit of drinking water and keep a bottle of water with you at all times. Compensate for diuretics . . . thieves that steal water from your body. If you drink coffee, tea, or sodas with caffeine, you'll need to drink a few extra glasses of water to make up for the water that these diuretic beverages "leech" from your system.