A toothache is one of the most uncomfortable medical conditions to experience. A toothache can range from merely annoying to very painful and disabling. There are a variety of factors that can bring about a painful toothache.
Most toothaches are the result of the development of a cavity. A cavity in the tooth that was not attended to usually attracts unwanted bacteria which will invade the tooth to cause pain and infection. Other reasons that can cause toothache include a loosened filling, an abscess or infection at the root of the tooth, tooth decay, and/or fracture of the tooth structure, gums around the tooth.
Toothache symptoms that should prompt an appointment with the dentist include dull, constant, or throbbing pain either when the tooth is at rest or when pressure is applied to the tooth or under both circumstances. Other symptoms include swelling around the site of the tooth that is aching, fever accompanied by headache, an off odor, or drainage coming from the affected tooth. Tooth pain is often made worse by exposing the tooth to hot or cold temperatures while eating or drinking foods and beverages. Any toothache pain that lasts for more than 48 hours should be promptly examined by a dentist. It is especially important to attend to toothache pain accompanied by earache, a high fever or pain when even opening the mouth slightly. Some toothache pain is a precursor to heart trouble.
A thorough dental, examination can help to pinpoint the exact cause of a toothache, such as a cavity or infected tooth root. Dental X-rays can usually reveal if the problem is coming from the tooth itself, the jaw, or both.
There are several remedies to eliminating a toothache depending upon the cause and severity. Cleaning and filling a cavity or replacing a loose cavity often solves the problem. For a tooth with a damaged root, a root canal followed by the implant of a new crown over the tooth is often recommended. If any infections are involved, antibiotics may be administered prior to starting any dental procedures. A tooth in very bad shape may even have to be extracted.
Practicing good oral hygiene is a very good way to help prevent toothache and tooth decay. Drinking purified water rather than polluted tap water can also help reduce the weakening of the tooth's enamel that leads to fracture and decay. Brushing after every meal to remove food particles stuck in the teeth and gums, rinse with purified water after eating, flossing at least once daily, and getting regular dental check-ups and cleanings can all go a long way toward preventing toothache.