Many people wonder why water has a clear, pristine appearance while so many other liquids seem to have at least minimal color. The answer is a complex one and it all begins with the molecular which makes up the water.
Water is entirely composed of hydrogen and oxygen. Both elements are gases in nature and are invisible. Being composed of such elusive and invisible elements certainly is a large reason why water has that crystal clear appearance.
Any discoloration that may appear in water from a natural source such as a river, lake or underground source such as a well is largely due to natural substances such as algae, leaves, dirt, and numerous other particles typically brought in by rainwater.
This ultimately gives the water a cloudy appearance commonly called turbidity. This turbidity can also be an indication of possible pathogens in addition to being unsightly in the water. Turbidity is removed in a variety of ways, largely in processes of sedimentation and filtration systems at the local level.
And related to us, how does such clear water affect our body? As we mentioned earlier, cloudiness or discoloration of naturally clear water could be a sign of turbidity, a natural indicator of possible pathogens. Pathogens are easiest defined by calling them germs.
So naturally, the more effectively treated your water is the less likelihood there is of ingesting pathogens and thus inciting health risks. Simply put...the clearer the water the better!