Fever is not a disease in itself, but a symptom of many ailments. There are also many side effects of a fever, like dehydration, that can cause even more damage to the body.
When one has a fever, despite the discomfort, it is a good thing- it means the body is fighting off an illness or infection. Our immune system is our natural defense and creates a fever to fight off infection. The normal body temperature is 98.6 degrees, although children often have higher temps than adults. Most people can tolerate a fever of 103 degrees for a short period of time. Most fevers will last three to four days. However, if there are other symptoms along with the fever, it could mean something else. If the fever symptom remains for more than 5 days or does not respond to medications, you should seek medical attention. When one has a fever, he may feel tired, have lower energy, and may not eat as much. Symptoms include sweating, chills, muscle aches, and shivering.

Contrary to what you may think, it is not recommended that you try to cool off when experiencing a fever. This is because the body raises the temperature to fight off bacteria that thrive in a cool environment. Think about all the times you weren't sure if the meat you were preparing was removed of all bacteria when you said to yourself, "It'll die when I cook it." Having a fever is a similar concept. However, if you truly want to cool down and get a little more comfortable, the best thing to do while inflicted with a fever is to take a lukewarm shower. It is okay to raise the temperature a little until you are comfortable. It is not recommended to use ice to cool the body! Also, wearing light and airy clothes will help you remain comfortable. Be sure not to wrap the person with a fever in blankets or warm clothes. Although they may feel cold, added layers will only prevent the body temperature from dropping as it should.
The Importance of Water
If you’re running a fever, your temperature will deplete vital water from your cells. That is why it is important to keep the body fluids flowing. If you are sweating profusely, vomiting, or experiencing diarrhea, you might be experiencing abnormal fluid loss. These are symptoms that can lead to dangerous levels of dehydration and which means you will need to drink more water to replenish the body.
Dehydration can worsen your symptoms and discomfort and it can also lead to dangerously low blood pressure and a rapid heartbeat. Like in heat exhaustion and heat stroke and other similar ailments, when the body temperature goes up, the more fluid it uses. So, although inactive and lying in bed, one can still become dehydrated with a fever. The average adult should drink about 10 glasses of water per day, more than the usual average. Children should strive for 6-10 per day. If your fever is the cause of another illness, such as the cold or the flu, water is equally important in flushing out the body of the "bug" that is causing the illness.
Drinking water during a fever keeps you hydrated which promotes healthy bowel functioning; prevents dry skin, and dilutes and washes the virus or bacteria out of the body. Maintaining hydration would help to prevent symptoms worsening, discomfort, and other serious consequences.
Natural Remedies
- Cut up an onion and put 2 rings on your foot and in your sock. When the onion turns brown the fever should have decreased.
- Soak socks in regular white vinegar and put them on your feet. This should help the fever drop immediately.
- Pineapples are one of nature’s anti-inflammatory agents that can fight fever.
- Mix 1 teaspoon basil with ¼ teaspoon black pepper. Put the mixture into a cup of water and add 1 teaspoon of honey. Drink 2-3 times a day.
- Soak garlic in hot water to help reduce the chance of another fever and alleviate symptoms of the current fever.
- Let the fever run its course rather than rushing it to bring it down with medications.
Many doctors will argue that treating fevers gets in the way of the body's natural course of protecting itself. In fact, for those with fevers at or under 102-degrees, it is not recommended to take any medication. Feeling sick and having a fever can be one of our most vulnerable moments, but it’s best to think positive and knows that the heat your body is producing will bring you to recovery. Keep your body well-rested, hydrated, and hopefully far away from any kind of illness!