Water to Sober You Up from Drunkenness

When the last call is called in the party night, many people face the decision of if they should drive home from the bar. Ideally, one should have their last drink about 90 minutes before the night is over. That means there is no "quick fix" for sobriety as it takes at least about one hour to oxidize one ounce. Sufficient time is required for alcohol to make its way through the body, through the liver, and then is excreted through urine and sweat. It's not gone until it's gone! So, time is the only real cure.

sober up

However, the level of drunkenness can be controlled by the following tips.

If someone has pure water or non-alcoholic beverages in between drinks, it can keep them from getting drunk faster. Also, this can help keep the body more hydrated which can reduce the effects of a hangover the next day. This is sometimes called the 'double-fisting' method- ordering a beer and water at the same time. (You may have to pee more, but it's worth it.) After drinking is done for the evening, drink a few glasses of purified water before hitting the bed.

For the next morning when the hangover hits hard, water is absolutely the best cure. It will replenish some of the water lost in the brain, which should be at 90%. The reason for most of the symptoms is due to dehydration. Resting will ease the aches and pains. It is also suggested in some cases to take a B-complex vitamin. In fact, when alcoholics are being treated in hospitals, they are given B vitamins.

The truth is, most sobering up tips and methods are myths that do not work. They often cause more harm than good as many people want to believe that there is a quick fix so they can continue to abuse alcohol.

Most Common Sober Up Myths

  • Drink coffee – caffeine and other ingredients in coffee will not affect your liver’s ability to metabolize alcohol and can give you a false sense of alertness when in fact you are still impaired.
  • Take a cold shower – this type of shock treatment has no effect on drunkenness and any benefits in alertness will surely dry up fast.
  • Exercise – your body can remove some alcohol through sweat and breathing but the amount is negligible and it can be dangerous to exercise when inebriated.
  • Breathe fresh air – this can make you feel better but it will have no effect whatsoever on your blood alcohol content level and your ability to operate a vehicle.
  • Eat food – eating only helps if it is able to slow down the rate of absorption of the alcohol but if you wait until you are already drunk, it will be too late.

There is simply nothing we can do to make our livers work faster. And, as for the hangover- it's just what we get in exchange for partaking in some libations. Purified water can help us feel better and get us through the effects of alcohol more smoothly, but time is the best cure. Also, remember that there is no easy fix for the many other health and social problems associated with excessive alcohol consumption, so please drink in moderation. In today’s world of smartphone cameras and online videos, you never know who is watching and recording your actions in public, so don’t get wasted! Your body and your good name will thank you for it.

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