Many doctors and scientists have long understood the effects of contaminants like mercury and lead on young children and adults. However, only in recent studies have they connected the effects of contaminated drinking water and childhood neurological disorders like ADHD and autism.
Most adults can usually tolerate the temporary consumption of many water contaminants, but children run the risk of developmental damage even from low levels of exposure to these harsh chemicals. Mercury and lead are called “neurotoxins” due to the impact they have on the developing brain, nervous system, and synapse functioning within infants and small children. Studies have concluded that there exists no safe level of these neurotoxins concerning small children, which has created an alarm in parents and doctors alike who are now starting to implement water purification measures in order to decrease the symptoms of ADHD in young children.
ADHD, also known as Attention Deficit Disorder, is a commonly diagnosed behavioral disorder that affects 3-5% of school-aged children. The common symptoms that characterize this condition are hyperactivity, impulsiveness, inattentiveness, sleeplessness, and depression.
While dietary and hereditary factors are always considered in determining the diagnosis, drinking contaminated water has been linked to the symptoms, too.
Water contamination can occur from a variety of different sources including agricultural runoffs from storms, cleaning chemicals poured down the drain, or lead soldered pipes from existing water channels. Harsh chemicals which can be found in tap water such as chlorine, pesticides, herbicides, lead, and mercury are now known to stimulate symptoms of ADHD in small children. For children who live in older homes and inner cities, the number of lead poisoning increases in the drinking water from older pipes that were installed long before the adverse health effects were known, so many children to this day are still suffering from “neurotoxins” that cause this neurological condition.
It has also been scientifically proven that many people are exposed to hundreds of chemicals in drinking water in spite of the EPA regulations that suggest that the water is safe for consumption. Because of this information, many parents of small children have not only altered the diets of their children but have also started using water purification systems in their homes.
The positive effect of using water purification systems is that your child will be protected from many of the toxic chemicals that are known to intensify the symptoms of ADHD. Many of the higher-quality water purification systems meet the standards of the Environmental Protection Agency because they eliminate harmful levels of chemicals, bacteria, viruses, and protozoa.
Many of these purification systems can be researched online as to their effectiveness and filtration abilities. It is always wise to do research on ADHD and the effects that contaminated water can have on this disorder in order to determine which system will be more beneficial for your children.