If you have heard of Hemorrhoids, a precise medical definition of the cause of hemorrhoids does not exist, but they are described as masses of tissues in the anal canal. Hemorrhoids occur in most of the population and only become problematic when they enlarge enough to cause discomfort for the individual patient. Hemorrhoids are found equally in men and women and normally peak between ages of 45-65 years of age.
There are many theories for the cause of hemorrhoids; however, none that really have strong experimental support. Some of the theories behind hemorrhoids are lack of fiber intake, long periods of sitting on the toilet and chronic straining for bowel movements. Pregnancy has been shown to enlarge hemorrhoids but again the initial cause is unclear.
There is however, growing concern that polluted drinking water may be leading to an increase in hemorrhoids. Every cell in our bodies requires water for nourishment, elimination of waste, insulation and cooling. Many people today however do not realize the importance of drinking water. In our desire to make water safe from bacteria and viruses for the increasing population mass, we have treated our public water supplies with many harsh chemicals. The public is well aware of the problems caused by polluted drinking water; however, much of the water that has been deemed safe still contains many chemicals.
Today one in three Americans have problems related to unsafe drinking water. Fifty years ago prior to the treatment of drinking water, that number was one in fifty Americans. Some of the chemicals that are currently found in tap water that may lead to long-term health problems including hemorrhoids are chlorine, chloramine, fluoride and lead. However, before you go start drinking from lakes and ponds, keep in mind that untreated drinking water from well or other sources will also contain many contaminants. It is important to drink purified water in order to avoid these pollutants and yet still get water that is chemical free and safe.
Polluted water may have other contaminants that may have an effect on hemorrhoids including E. coli, Guardia, Cryptosporidium and Microsporidium. These bacteria pollutants could lead to digestive changes, which could include diarrhea, vomiting, pain, cramps and hemorrhoids. Most chemically treated water sources will help you avoid these microbial containments but will expose you to the above-listed chemical containments. The best source for water that is free of all containments is water purified by advanced water filtration systems like reverse osmosis filters.
While the cause of hemorrhoids may not be clear, normally the first treatment that doctors recommend is to increase water intake. Increasing water intake is an easy non-invasive treatment that is cheap and anyone can accomplish. Increasing water intake will help your body flush containments from your system and will help in getting your bowels moving. Purified water maybe your best option for increasing your water intake while avoiding chemicals that may increase your hemorrhoid problems. Purified water will help in your quest to increase your water intake, improve your health and avoid contamination from all sources.