What is Water Weight Gain?

People should pay careful attention to the needs of their bodies. While water retention is often triggered by hormonal changes, it can also be a sign of mild dehydration, muscle fatigue, or excess sodium within the diet. By determining the cause of the issue, it is possible for an individual to apply the following best remedies to reduce water retention.

Strive for Optimal Hydrationfruit basket

A failure to remain properly hydrated is one of the most common causes of water retention. The body has a whole host of measures that it will take to protect itself when deprived of vital nutrients and substances. This is especially true with water. When there is an insufficient intake of water on a routine basis, the body will often make up for this insufficiency by storing or retaining the water that it already has. Unbelievably, one of the fastest ways to eliminate water retention is by consuming more water.

One common recommendation for active individuals is to drink half of the total body weight in ounces of water each day. According to this basic guideline, for an individual who weighs 200 pounds, 100 ounces of water must be consumed. While this may seem like an excessive amount of water to consume, much of it can be obtained through foods that have a high water content such as fruits and vegetables. In fact, several fruits and vegetables are known to have a significant impact on water retention all by themselves. Lemons and limes are two of the most effective of these and can dramatically reduce the signs of water retention overnight when a substantial quantity is consumed. Simply adding several slices of lemon or lime to a glass of water is one way to reduce bloating in a minimal amount of time. When water weight gain is excessive, several glasses of water with lemon or lime can be consumed over the course of the day.

The Best Foods for Reducing Water Weight Gain

Some foods have been shown to have an advantageous effect on water retention. These include bananas, apricots, and avocados among many others. While these selections have a surprisingly low water content, the nutrients that they contain help the body to balance its fluids. Foods or supplements that are rich in magnesium, potassium, and calcium are all excellent sources to help the retention process.

Read Next: Top 5 Reasons People Retain Water

Learn to Pamper the Muscles

Water weight gain can also dramatically offset the results that are obtained by eating right and working out regularly. Many people are frustrated with their weight loss efforts by water retention and the excess pounds that it can entail. While these individuals eat less and engage in routine and rigorous physical activity, they often find that they are gaining weight rather than losing it.

Water Retention

One major cause of this is the way in which the body repairs itself following an extremely demanding workout. If the body is not properly warmed up and cooled down, it can begin to produce lactic acid once the muscles become fatigued. This is then stored within the muscles. Lactic acid is what causes muscle soreness. It is also a sure sign that the body will begin cushioning the fatigued muscles by storing water in the areas that have been over-worked. The additional water helps to cushion and protect the affected muscle tissues until the body has made any necessary repairs and processed the lactic acid that has been stored. This is often why extended periods of strenuous physical activity are often followed by a minute weight increase.

To avoid seeing weight increases when fitness activities are kicked into high gear, people should always perform both warm-up and cool-down activities to avoid straining the muscles. By properly stretching the muscle groups that have been or will be used, it is possible to avoid the build-up of lactic acid and the potential of water weight gain.

Opt for Low-Sodium Beverages and Foods

Salt is a major player in water retention. Unfortunately, the average individual is unaware of how much sodium he or she actually consumes. Salt is present in nearly every pre-packaged food and specialty beverage that consumers are able to purchase. This includes carbonated colas and many popular premium coffee drinks. In fact, quite a few well-known coffee houses add salt to their coffee grinds as a flavor-enhancer before brewing. Small additions such as these all contribute to the daily level of sodium consumption. Consuming foods and beverages that contain minimal amounts of sodium will reduce the potential for sodium-related water retention and can increase the effectiveness of all other efforts to eliminate retained water.

When water weight gain remains persistent in spite of the implementation of one or more of the best ways to reduce water weight gain, it is generally recommended that the individual consult with his or her physician. In many instances, water retention could be a sign of a more serious health condition such as high blood pressure. A doctor visit will also give the affected individual an opportunity to discuss the use of supplements or other measures that may provide a more long-term solution to regular water retention issues.

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