Water & Health

Water Softeners and Your Health

Do Water Softeners Pose Health Risks?The Chemical Process of Water SofteningSalt-based water softening works on the principle of ion exchange or ion replacement, a reversible process. (Ions are a...

How Safe Are the Plastic Water Bottles? Beware of BPA-Containing Polycarbonate Plastic Bottles?

A Summary of Several Major Medical Studies of Chemicals in Plastics Unless we live next to a pristine lake or an unspoiled stream somewhere high up on a mountain rarely touched by human civilizat...

Plastic Bottles 101

How Much Do You Know about Plastic Bottles?Choose Plastic Bottles Carefully to Prevent Chemicals in the Plastic from Leaching into Your Water. Consider Switching to the Good, Old-Fashion Glass Bo...

Urine Color and Dehydration

Believe it or not you can track your body’s hydration levels by monitoring your urine! The color of your urine can reflect how much water your body needs. Dehydration occurs when the body loses wa...

Dehydration: Is It A Cause of Peptic Ulcers?

Use "water therapy" to prevent peptic ulcers: Drinking 2 liters of water daily and a large glass of water before meals can reduce peptic ulcersAn estimated one in ten Americans develop a peptic u...

The Controversy surrounding Colon Hydrotherapy and Colon Cleansing: Is Colon Hydrotherapy Science or Scam?

Freedrinkingwater.com has published previously an introductory article on colon hydrotherapy.)What Is Colon Cleansing or Colon Hydrotherapy?Colon cleansing, colon hydrotherapy, or colon irrigatio...

Where do waterborne diseases rank in causing human health problems?

The lack of clean water resources and sanitation facilities looms as one of the most serious environmental health problems faced today by a large fraction of the world's population, especially th...

How Does Water Help Remove Harmful Toxins from Your Digestive Tract?

First of all…What are these creepy toxins that seem to invade our body?Toxins are actually a normal part of the body's intake of food and oxygen. In a digestion process, the bowel disposes of tox...

Are there special customers who should be notified prior to a city changing from chlorine to chloramines for water disinfection?

In general, before a water utility makes such a change, all customers are usually notified but health care providers, dialysis patients, pet store owners, or others who care for fish should recei...

Can the build-up and release of arsenic from pipes and storage tanks in public water distribution systems become a significant human health threat?

Maybe. Water utilities are now testing for this possibility. The truth is not yet known completely regarding this issue.But here's what is known so far:Water utilities measure arsenic at the entr...

Toxoplasma parasites in your water?

First of all, you likely wondering what Toxoplasma is. That's just a question, being that the prefix "toxo" does nothing but sound dangerous. But Parasites in my water too? Enough is enough.Paras...

What is homeopathy and what role does water have in this practice?

While some homeopathic remedies may have some as yet unproven benefits, such as mind over matter, the basic scientific assumption is that many of them lack credibility. Homeopathy is basically th...

How water can help stop disease causing Acidosis?

Every day we wage our own private war against molds, yeasts, bacteria, viruses, and fungi. By using antibiotics as the first line of defense we have encouraged the development of more powerful de...

Are there other sources of lead around a home besides drinking water that I should be concerned with?

Yes, because drinking water is not usually the primary source of lead exposure around the home. Even when the drinking water contains some lead, it is rarely the sole source of lead poisoning in ...

Soft drinks and alcohol...stealing precious water from your body.

Not enough can be said about the role of water in our own body and in our environment. Water is simply the substance of life. Life can not exist without Water. We must constantly be adding fresh ...