Do We Really Need Water Treatment?

Consumer Info

In one word, yes. According to health professionals and researchers, most tap and well water in the U.S.
now are not safe for drinking due to heavy industrial and environmental pollution.

Clean water is one of the most important needs of our bodies. It is estimated that over 75% of cancers originate
from our water and environment.

Below are some recent water quality statistics:

1.  "There are 35,000 pesticides containing 600 chemical compounds. Yet municipal water systems are only required to test for six. Many of these chemicals are known to cause birth defects, nerve damage, sterility and cancer."     ABC News
2.  "The World Health Organization estimates 75-80% of cancer may originate in our water and environment."     Forever Living
3.  "The General Accounting Office reports that 20% of the nation's 65,000 community systems are unable to meet minimum standards set by the  Safe Drinking Water Act."    Reader's Digest
4.  "So far, more than 700 organic chemicals have been identified in drinking water, and some of them are suspected cancer  causing agents."  Consumer Reports
5. "A recent government study found that more than 25% of all large U.S. public water systems contain traces of one or more toxic substances. ... Public water systems do not test for the carcinogens and other dangerous chemicals that are being found."  Wall Street Journal



Do We Really Need Water Treatment

Nitrate and our health

Sources of our drinking water

News Room:

Unsafe tap water for California

Latest Chromium pollution


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