Water and Depression, Stress and Anxiety

Stress, depression, and anxiety are three very different emotionally tolling conditions. However, many people experience a combination of these three as stress can trigger depression and anxiety to happen as well. There are many things that can be done to heal these conditions, including removing stressors from our lives, taking medications, resting, exercising, meditation, yoga, and more. However, did you know that water can also help?


These three negative emotional feelings can be related to mood disorders, perhaps stemming from the brain. Because 85% of brain tissue is water, dehydration causes energy generation in the brain to decrease, in other words, it causes the brain to slow down and not function properly. So, lack of water can really be a contributor to any of these disorders. However, in many other medical areas, contaminated water can also cause health problems. It is known that lead in water can cause damage to the nervous systems, with depression being one of the most common results of lead-filled water. A reverse osmosis filter is one of the best ways to ensure that you are drinking safe water. Now, let's move on to more ways water can help us.

There are several types of anxiety disorders, the most common being general anxiety disorder (GAD). Do you know that beverages with caffeine can increase anxiety? It is important to limit the consumption of caffeine, sugary drinks, and alcohol. All of these liquids cause dehydration because it takes the body even more water to remove it from your body. Depending on the drink it can take your body up to 3 times the amount of water to process that drink. For example, if you drink 12oz of beer it will take your body 36 ounces of water to flush out that beer. If you don’t give your body the amount of water it needs it will take it from your bones, muscles, and most importantly your brain.

Replacing soda, tea and coffee with water is a good start. Some studies show that water is a great “anxiety quencher”. Dehydration in the body can actually induce anxiety and nervousness. When we are dehydrated our cells feel it at the molecular level and communicate the dehydration to the subconscious as an underline subtle anxiety or threat to survival. A simple solution to rebalance this deficit of fluids is to drink eight glasses of freshwater a day. Water alone may not cure GAD and other related disorders, but it can sure calm those nerves! As a side note, there are many herbal supplements, such as PureCalm, which can be added to water to calm nerves as well.

Depression is another mood disorder that can cause someone to feel sad, helpless, and hopeless for an extended period of time. When dehydrated, the body’s ability to detoxify is impaired, which will also cause a shortage in tryptophan (an essential amino acid for the body to produce serotonin, one of the important mood stabilizers). Studies have shown that lower levels of these amino acids can contribute to feelings of dejection and inadequacy, as well as feelings of anxiety. Dehydration can also increase stress and cause depression. Low electrolyte levels could factor in adrenal glands producing extra cortisol, the stress hormone.

There are many different levels and types of depression, and the length of time it lasts also varies greatly on the person. Treatment for depression is usually through medication aptly called antidepressants. Sometimes these pills can cause dehydration, which means they need to be taken with plenty of water. Eating healthy and exercising, like with most medical conditions, is a great way to feel and be healthy. Exercise is a natural stimulant to many hormones, serotonin is one of them. As little as 15-20 minutes every day will naturally release these feel-good hormones that are vital to feeling happy and calm. Along with this would mean cutting out alcohol and caffeine, which can not only dehydrate, but also have adverse effects on the medication. And speaking of the drugs, one major side effect of some of the popular antidepressants is constipation. Being hydrated is crucial to comfort the body in overall treatments.

Some Home Remedies

Aside from drinking water there are several home remedies that you can try to help with anxiety, depression, or stress. Start by eating wisely, this means eating plenty of fruits and vegetables and watching your caffeine intake. Several foods such as almonds, avocados, bananas, lima beans, vitamin B rich foods, and omega-3 fats can help trigger the production of serotonin. Quality sleep is much more important than quantity sleep. Lastly, hydrotherapy is a calming remedy for stress and anxiety. Taking a warm bath with an herbal supplement can do wonders for the body and soul. Sounds like a cliché, but the hot water will literally ease muscle tension. The soothing herbs and the quiet spell can just allow the mind to escape. If you need a lift, don’t forget about the simple power of just spending time with your family members and friends.

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