Blood Clots and How to Prevent It

Blood Clots are nothing to be taken lightly as they can potentially be fatal. Many people suffer from blood clots every year and end up in either the hospital or the emergency room. Learning how to prevent blood clots is important information everyone should know to reduce the potential development of this serious condition.

Blood is a liquid that is constantly flowing throughout the body as it is pumped by the heart. In its natural form, blood consists of several different components including red cells, white cells, and plasma. There is a complex mechanism in place to form clots in the blood. Clots form when there is damage to the blood vessels and an initial clot is formed. There is a sort of cascade effect when the blood is clotting inappropriately. Fibrin is formed which causes the clot to become intense and life-threatening especially if it is deep in the vein or breaks free and travels to the lungs. Blood clots will become a problem when it grows to a large enough size to potentially cause any blockage in the body.

There are many ways to prevent blood clots from becoming deadly. Perhaps the number one way to reduce clots is to get regular exercise. People who are immobile and confined to a bed have the greatest chance of developing blood clots. On the other hand, people who exercise regularly will help keep the blood circulating appropriately in their bodies and reduce the chance of clot formation.

Drinking water can also be helpful in improving circulation which flushing out irritating toxins to reduce the chance of clots. It is very important to make sure that the drinking water is not contaminated. Studies have shown that industrial pollution is not only unhealthy for most organs in the body it may have an effect on clots as well. The link between contamination in water and blood clots has not been widely studied, but there is a documented link between air pollution and blood clots. Drinking plenty of water is also important because when the body becomes dehydrated the blood will thicken making it more likely to clot.

Travelers on planes, especially senior citizens can suffer phlebitis, and exercise in the form of walking around the plane every few hours is quite important. They should also be drinking water on the plane but taking care that the water is not contaminated as further problems could result. Drinking water is important for your health but only if it is clean water that has been purified of harmful chemicals and heavy metals.

Blood clots or deep vein thrombosis or DVT is a serious problem. One should consult with a doctor to find out which exercises and lifestyle changes are the best for them, and how they should best prevent deep vein thrombosis and blood clots.

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