RO-90 Color/Taste/Smell

Milky Colored Water

Air in the system

Air in the system is a normal occurrence with intial starting up the RO system. This milky color look will disappear during normal use within 1-2 weeks. If condition reoccurs after filter change, drain the tank 1-2 times

Funny Taste

1. Clogged pre-filters

2. Fouled Membrane

3. Dissolved gases in Feed Water

4. Foreign matter in tank

1. Taste Test or simply replace pre-filters and rinse out the housings

2. Use TDS meter to test the water and verify the TDS within the 10% range

If not, replace the membrane

3. Pre-treat feed water to remove gases

4. Santize your RO system every few year

Water smells funny

1. Clogged pre-filters

2. Fouled Membrane

3. Dissolved gases in Feed Water

4. Foreign matter in tank

1. Taste Test or simply replace pre-filters and rinse out the housings

2. Use TDS meter to test the water and verify the TDS within the 10% range

If not, replace the membrane

3. Pre-treat feed water to remove gases

4. Santize your RO system every few years

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